rural india中文什么意思

发音:   用"rural india"造句
  • rural:    adj. 乡下的,农村(风味)的 ( ...
  • india:    n. 通信中用以代表字母 i 的词。 ...
  • in india at the:    五通菩萨
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  1. As a result , cdc atlanta had called for more definitive studies leading to this study in rural india
  2. Atanu dey , an indian economist and blogger , says it is a lot easier for people in rural india to read a newspaper , than a blog
  3. Someone spending 15 rupees in rural india in 1960 had about the same command over goods and services as an american spending $ 23 . 14 a month in 1985
    1960年在印度贫困地方每月花费15卢比的人购买商品和服务的能力等同于1985年每月花23 . 14美元的美国人。
  4. Our eclectic quintet of films will take you on an unparalleled journey across the region - from the vast mongolian steppes , across enigmatic north korea , to rural india
  5. More than 200 000 minors are believed to be married off in rural india every year many of them in mass ceremonies on two astrologically auspicious days . brides can even be toddlers and are usually returned to their families after the ceremony but those approaching or having reached puberty are usually sent straight to the grooms " homes


  1. rural housing 什么意思
  2. rural housing estate 什么意思
  3. rural housing standard block 什么意思
  4. rural hygiene 什么意思
  5. rural improvement area 什么意思
  6. rural industrial economics 什么意思
  7. rural industrial pattern 什么意思
  8. rural industrialization 什么意思
  9. rural industry 什么意思
  10. rural institute of medical sciences 什么意思


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